• September 8, 2024

How Remote Jobs Are Changing the Way Staffing Agencies Work

Staffing agencies have a unique problem to solve. They have to find the right candidates for various clients in as short a time as possible. Doing this type of work for traditional companies was one thing, but now remote and hybrid work is the norm. 64% of staffing agencies believe remote jobs will be more common post-COVID-19. While searching for top remote workers has posed another challenge, these agencies are finding ways to adjust. Here is how they’re changing

Technology Upgrades

When dealing with remote workers, you must be comfortable with technology. A remote worker usually uses technology to network and look for jobs. So if you’re a recruiter, you need to be able to find workers where they already are, online. It doesn’t mean only hiring tech workers. Many other industries have gone remote. To keep up with them and find candidates, your local staffing agency has made the necessary technological upgrades. Such updates have included sophisticated applicant tracking systems and using Zoom interviews. Using these technology tools helps staffing agencies recruit and track remote workers. It also gives them credibility when contacting remote workers.

Promoting Full-Time Roles

There was a time when remote work usually meant side gigs, part-time work, and freelancing. Previous full-time remote workers were usually people who had already spent a significant amount of time working in-house before switching to working from home for various reasons, whether it was an illness, a family emergency, and so on. Now companies and agencies had to learn how to find someone that would always be remote without that in-house start. So now the process may take longer since they are no longer bringing in a candidate to quickly fill a gig position. Staffing agencies are bringing on somebody who may have health benefits and will represent the company.

A More Flexible Process

As the economy and company need change, particularly during COVID, any staffing agency must adjust quickly to satisfy where the company is now. For example, a position once listed as full-time may need to quickly convert to part-time. Or they may have actively recruited for roles that the company decided to place on hold due to internal changes.

The advent of remote work has changed how staffing agencies work and think. Luckily, staffing agencies have done work to stay on the ball and adjust to the company, technology, economy, and workers’ changing needs.

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